Clintonville Ohio real estate


Katie can help you find Clintonville Ohio real estateClintonville Ohio homes for sale and information about the Clintonville Ohio real estate market.

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You’ll love Clintonville Ohio real estate! Clintonville is a neighborhood in north-central Columbus with around 30,000 residents. Clintonville is an informal neighborhood— Clintonville celebrated its 150th birthday on September 13, 1997. Strange that an area which was never incorporated as a town, village, city or anything else for that matter should have such a strong feeling of community… yet it does (just one of the many reasons you’ll love Clintonville Ohio real estate!).

The Clintonville Area Commission boundaries, as established by Columbus City Code, are bounded on the south by the centerline of the Glen Echo Ravine; on the east by the centerline of the railroad right-of-way immediately east of Indianola Avenue; on the north by the Worthington city limits and on the west by the Olentangy River; each line extended as necessary so as to intersect with adjacent boundaries.

There’s lots to do in Clintonville, including visiting Northstar, Jeni’s Ice Creams, a local farmer’s market, or antiquing at Elm & Iron.

Be sure to visit our Clintonville Ohio MLS search.


  • Public schools in Clintonville currently include Clinton, Crestview and Indian Springs elementary schools, Dominion Middle School and Whetstone High School.
  • Parochial schools include Immaculate Conception, Our Lady of Peace and Bishop Watterson High School
  • Bishop Watterson High School was named an Exemplary School by the US Department of Education

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